Employee COVID-19 Self-Certification Tool (ECSCT)

Take the first step for your business, customers and employee safety by simple screening for Covid 19 with the web based Employee COVID 19 Self Certification Tool (ECSCT).

  • Company Registration
  • Setup Site Administrator

Company Registration

Note: If city not found- Please select 'Others' in the dropdown menu, Enter city name
Total number of employees who work at your company. You will be charged for the number of employees who are assigned to "use" this service.

Setup Site Administrator

The administrator is the person responsible for this site. The administrator will upload employee names, email and or cell phone, and responsible for the messaging notifications etc.

Note:Site activities are sent to above email
Note:Password-Minimum eight characters, at least one letter, one number and one special character.
Note:Password-Minimum eight characters, at least one letter, one number and one special character.
Note:Drag and drop OR click on box area to select the image(.jpg,.jpeg) to upload.